The basic process of Exhibition Stand design
 2023/01/05 | View:748

Nowadays, with the development of society, the competition among peers is becoming more and more fierce. Exhibitions have become an important means of communication, promotion, and competition among peers to better highlight the company's product features and enhance competitiveness. However, in Exhibition Stand design, novice friends may be clueless after getting the design requirements because of their lack of experience. If your Exhibition Stand design is innovative and the space is arranged reasonably, more visitors will come in to visit naturally. So here I have compiled a basic flow of Exhibition Stand design for your reference!

Exhibition Stand

1. Determine the area and location of the Exhibition Stand. When you get the project, first figure out the size of the Exhibition Stand and the location of the Exhibition Stand in the exhibition hall and look at the direction of the flow of people. The direction of the reception and the main opening faces the main channel of pedestrian flow. The opening of the Exhibition Stand depends on the location of the Exhibition Stand plan. Consider if there are other Exhibition Stands behind or next to it. They need to be closed; if they are all aisles, they can be considered open. Consider the exhibit's location so that exhibitors can display the products they want to express in the exhibit. This requires the location to be designed according to the visual habits of the public.

2. Determine the style category of the Exhibition Stand. The style of the Exhibition Stand can be considered according to the nature of its industry, or sometimes the party has its style and color requirements, which can be used as a qualitative basis for the style and color of the entire Exhibition Stand.

3. Determine the rigid requirements of Party A. Party A will make some specific requirements for the functional areas of its Exhibition Stand, such as reception desk, LED screen, storage room, display cabinets, interactive exhibition area, negotiation area, VIP negotiation room, etc. When there are these rigid requirements, these functional areas must be considered in the planning in strict accordance with Party A's needs. If there are no special requirements, the design should be based on the regular functional areas and be as reasonable as possible.

4. Planning floor plan. After clarifying each functional area, it is necessary to make a preliminary area division of the Exhibition Stand according to the location and draw the Exhibition Stand layout plan.

5. Design details display. After the style, color, and floor plan are clear, the Exhibition Stand floor plan can be modeled and designed. In the modeling process, each part's rationality, integrity, and beauty must be considered. Exhibitors should communicate with the person in charge of the Exhibition Stand about the project and confirm the overall design draft after they are fully satisfied. If there is a conflict between the two parties, the construction of the whole Exhibition may also be hindered.

6. Modeling and mapping, and finishing the PPT report file. After the model floor plan is completed, the map rendering is collated into a report PPT file with explanatory text and accompanying drawings, and the floor plan is touched up.

After the plan is collated and checked, it can be submitted to A for further work. Generally speaking, all communication must be done before the Exhibition Stand design plan is released. Before contracting, the planning of construction materials and the layout of exhibit positions are done. After all the processes of Exhibition Stand construction are completed, not only can the error rate be reduced, but also the results will be better.

The above is the basic process of Exhibition Stand design. If you need more detailed information, welcome to contact us!

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